Uni, madness and a sudden overload of posts.

Well, I’ve survived the first few months of uni miraculously unscathed! It’s been a pretty crazy start and I figured it was about time I actually got round to uploading some of the interesting bits I’ve been up to! sorry for the sudden influx of posts- I’ll try to keep them to just the really … More Uni, madness and a sudden overload of posts.

Etsy shop!

Hey people, I hope you’re all well, just though I should let you know that I have started up an etsy shop! For now I only have a few Polymer clay pendants up for sale but I will hopefully be bringing you more bits and pieces soon. Check it out by clicking Here if you like … More Etsy shop!

Introverts,extroverts and everything in between

So I’m sure you’ve heard these terms being thrown around before, with books like ‘The power of quiet’ by Susan Cain becoming international best-sellers, there has been a massive rise is the understanding and culture surrounding introverts and extroverts over the past few years. There is far less difference in social skills than people sometimes expect, … More Introverts,extroverts and everything in between


Scavenging, not something a lot of people would be inclined to take pride in, however I tend to take a bit of a difference stance on the whole thing. Sure, being that one person who always nicks peoples stuff isn’t good, but proper scavenging (out of skips and rubbish piles etc) is an entirely different matter. … More Scavenging!